Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Have you ever lived in a foreign country? Did it change your views politically?

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High Pries

What did you learn?

I've been around the world, and it gives some clearer perspective. I know the US system is about the best there is and our rich quality of life is better than any country with the exception of a few parasitic banking industry havens.

Hong Kong I've never been to, but they are one of the only countries where the people thrive on their work and trade to a high degree, Japan is another that can compare.

The Middle East taught me that the people are decent one on one, but their beliefs make them extremely dangerous, they are fanatical. Make the harshest Christians seem like baby puppy dogs in comparison. They are fed lies about non Muslims and they hate them, they will even tell you about it when you get to know them, forgetting you are one of those.

I've lived with the poorest of the poor, actually spending some time in squatter huts along rail road land in the Philippines. Traveling through the middle east way away from where any foreigners go.

I know that through out the world people don't seem to get enough truth and get a lot of biased information. The US was much better, but over time that's deteriorated. Media seems more about shaping opinion than providing information.

What do y'all think of Africa now..?

Q. I read off the news that Africa is having a starvation a child at the age 5 is 20.2 pounds a 4 year old is 15.3 pounds and a baby is as light as a feather, The people have no water or food..I feel bad. What do y'all think..?

As much as it is a tragedy that people are starving, I would rather the issue be handled locally. First off. a lot of first world nations are going through an economic crisis. Perhaps African nations could put together a pan-African fund to help those people in poor condition.

A major problem is the leadership of a lot of Africa. They don't seem to want to help their own people, but are in favor of enriching themselves. I read a piece on Robert Mugabe who had already spent $20 million on travel this year alone.

Mugabe spends US$20 million on travel in 6 months
By Tererai Karimakwenda
28 July, 2011

Figures published by a daily newspaper in Zimbabwe have revealed that Robert Mugabe spends an extravagant amount of money on foreign travel, gobbling up over US$20 million so far this year. According to the Daily News, that amount is âway beyondâ Mugabeâs US$15 million travel budget for the year.

In comparison the paper said Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his deputies have so far spent just US$3, 7 million, or almost three quarters of their US$5 million travel budget for the year.
Using statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the paper calculated that travel expenses for government officials were âenough to finance anti-retroviral treatment for almost 600 000 people for six straight months in a public health system.â

Also you have to question to yourself why this issue is being reported on. They want people to donate aid...but given the political instability of Somalia, there's no guarantee of aid reaching the people who need it. They need stable governments and some agricultural policy changes.

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