Saturday, November 16, 2013

How much time did you take off from work for maternity leave?

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baby travel systems in australia image


How did your employer work with you or against you?
How much compensation did you receive?

I'm single, 7 months pregnant and I just bought a house, so I'm just looking for advice.

It v aries it seems from State to State and job to job and should be standardized throughout any individual Country no matter the job.
In My Country when l was an Academic at Uni we had 14 weeks full paid leave after the birth of the baby and the next 38 weeks it was on 60% of your usual salary so in actual fat as long as you had worked there for over 24mths we were entitled to have the full year although you can than get extended leave on top of that but at a much reduced pay up to 18 mths in total.
Men also are entitled to Paternity leave but it is much much more limited than women and usually is from 1 weeks to 4 weeks.
l am appalled that in the US you do not have standardised laws throughout the Country for all the work force although it is the same here in most cases but here we no matter what job you have you are entitled to some maternity leave that is mandatory however with some jobs you may not have one when you are ready to go back and that is the problem although in theory they cannot dismiss you for having Maternity leave in practice many Companies or Employers ar egettinng away with it but than many women have taken their Employers to Court and won.
In to days climate with the Economy being so bad re the Recession l would be hesitant unless you work in a Government job to take many days off for Maternity leave as your job definitely will not be there when you return.
Being single in your case is going to be hard but l am sure you have Family support and if memory serves me you have government agencies to help and we have also a huge grant given to Mother's who have babies so as a result a lot of people esp young ones are going to having a baby and not having an abortion.In other words you are paid to have a baby by the Govt here more or less but l think that will soon cease here.
Same as first home buyers grant which can be as high as $27,000 for an establishes house or unit or what ever and if land and building it goes up to round the $43,000 mark.
Personally like the system they have in some of the Scandinavian Countries which is far superior than any other Country bar Canada,Australia and New Zealand.
Good luck.Hope you have Family support as you will need it as having a baby itself is a huge shock anyhow although l would not have missed it for the World although l did call my husband every name under the Sun as it was all his fault l was going through this,the other 3 were a little easier as had one set of twins,l will never never want to go through that again.
Red did you not ask re going on a holiday to Hawaii re free trip at 32 weeks recently?Are you nuts?The airlines will not carry you on their flight if it over a set time period of travel or your expected date of arrival of baby;depending the Airline l guess.; think you said your flight would be about 7 hrs which is too l ong in a pressurized plane as it can and will induce a baby to be born,don't believe me research it on the Internet Medical Specialty site not this one.
Just remembered aas of Jan 1 2009 baby bonuses as means tested which means depnds how much you get it how much they wil decide to give you,If you get more than $75.000 per annum it is means tested over than you do not get it(remember how incomes are lower than yours so adjust it accordingly.For example to be eligible for a Credit Card you have to earn over $35,000 per year

If you could be a 22-year fresh college graduate with no ties, what would you do differently in life?


Say you're 22 years old and you just earned your bachelor's degree. You don't have a lot of debt, aren't committed to anyone, and have the world at your fingers. What would you do with your life, or what would you do differently with your life?

1) Wear SPF15 sunscreen every day, regardless of where in the world you are

2) If you havenât yet, get any and all necessary dental work done.

3) If you smoke, quit. If you drink more than 3 times a week, cut back to 2.

4) If you do any drugs, stop now. Youâve already had the most fun youâll have with them, the older you get the worse the people you hang out with will be, the lower they'll drag you, and the worse sh*t you'll try.

5) Take a year out and go travelling. South East Asia and then on to Australia or something. Europe is quite expensive these days, Eastern Europe not so much so.

6) Work out 3 times a week. If you donât already, start now or you'll never start and your health for the rest of your shortened life will suffer.

7) Got to the beach more, go for walks in a national park more, take up hiking or hill walking.

8) learn a new language - its awesome and opens up a much higher % of the worlds people to you, thatâs new ideas, culture, food, and sexual partners lol

9) Do voluntary work - Big brother/Sister, save the whales, anything.... sort out future karma with the world, ya know?

10) Start saving, soon as you get back from your year out. Open up a mid to low risk pension fund, and add to it EVERY WEEK OF EVERY MONTH....the difference it'll make to your life later, well, you wouldnât even believe it baby, seriously, its that important.

11) Learn how to do Kegel exercises, and do them every day..... no one wants to spend their later years wetting themselves every day.

12) Give up all processed meats... colonic cancer is not worth all the burgers and hot dogs in the planet.

13) If you can, do a Masters or other post grad degree.... after travelling, best place to weather out a Recession is in Uni, by the time the moneys back, you'll have up-skilled, and youâll be ready to get that better job it'd take you 10 years of hard graft to achieve working your way up the ranks.

14) Avoid all military service: no point getting killed fighting for someone elseâs Oil profits,'ll get nothing positive out of it. Not one damn thing.

15) Devote time to your family.... Still got grandparents? Visit them as often as you can, cos they'll be gone soon...same with parents. Learn about your family, its history, your people.... Talk to them, theyâve a lifetime of experiences and mistakes you can learn from and as a result be better prepared to deal with your life.

16) Turn off the TV. Its fine for the odd documentary, but most TV [especially in the USA] is rubbish, its new broadcasts partisan fluff. Read more, especially the classics, learn what the hell was going on then, and what the hell is going on now. Tune into,, World Press and Reuters. Read news online, and then read up on the topic, to get the back story, as most things are n

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