Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What kind of food can a 5 month old have?

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what else can I give the baby besides milk and the baby food?
And once a day can i give baby food instead of milk?

You can introduce solids any time between 4 and 6 months if your baby is ready. If breastfeeding it's best to wait until 6 months.

Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:
⢠Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
⢠Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
⢠Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
⢠Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling. He may also be teething around the same time.
⢠Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
⢠Growing appetite. He seems hungry â even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
⢠Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.

A good rule of thumb is to start with rice cereal, which is gluten-free and less allergenic than other foods. First, nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Then give him one or two teaspoons of dry cereal mixed with enough formula or breast milk to make a semi-liquid. Use a rubber-tipped spoon when you feed your baby, to avoid injuring his gums. Start with just a small amount of cereal on the tip of the spoon.

If your baby doesn't seem very interested in eating off the spoon, let him smell and taste the cereal or wait until he warms up to the idea of eating something solid. Don't add solid food to your baby's bottle or he may not make the connection that food is to be eaten sitting up and from a spoon.

Begin with a once-a-day feeding, whenever it's convenient for you and your baby, but not at a time when your baby seems tired or cranky. Your baby may not eat much in the beginning, but give him time to get used to the experience. Some babies need practice keeping food in their mouths and swallowing.

Once he gets used to his new diet, he'll be ready for a few tablespoons of cereal a day. As the amount he eats increases, gradually thicken the consistency of the cereal and add another feeding.

Why is America better than Canada and Mexico?


Why is America so much better than Canada and Mexico?
Only the people saying America is better have come up with actual reasons so far.

America has capitalism. The latest new cancer medicines were invented in America because of capitalism.

Because of America's strong capitalistic values, most of the stuff in the world was invented by Americans.

And, most Asian countries survive by making copies of U.S. inventions. (China and India both devalue their currency to make their products look less expensive than American products. Japan also devalued its currency in the 1980's.)

American inventions:
Plasma tv, electronic tv, lcd screens, cellphone, digital signal processing (used in all cellphones). Java(used in most cellphones), DVD and CD's (optical recording), computer chips, personal computers, laptop computers, digital audio players, microwave ovens, digital camera, laser printers, inkjet printers, computer hard drives, computer chip manufacturing (America still leads the world in chip making), fluorescent light, advanced LED's, OLED, digital watches, GPS, GPS navigation, mouse, keyboard, operating system, high level computer language, USB, remote controls, MASER, email, transistors,refrigerator,electronic calculators, VCR, internet, telephone, satellite communication, portable communication radios(walkie talkie), digital satellites, stabilized rubber(shoes, condoms, tires, etc), nuclear powerplants, moon rovers, martian rovers, copy machine, best modern medicines, iron furnace stove, electric stove, air conditioning, airplane(engine-powered), computer animation(motion picture), aspartame(sugarless sweetner), assembly line, automated teller machine (ATM), prepared baby food, bag (flat-bottomed paper), bandage (adhesive), barcode, barbed wire, blood bank, blow dryer, bra, bread slicing machine, portable camera, food cans, can openers, cardboard (corrugated). carbon 14 dating, cash register, cat litter, mail order catalogs, breakfast cereal, chewing gum, laptop computer, personal computer, oral contraceptives, cotton gin, crayons, credit card, heart defibrillator, smoke detector, artificial diamond, disposable diapers, dishwasher, drinking fountain, electric chair, modern rocket, escalator, fiberglass, freeze dried food, frozen food, genetic engineering, electric guitar, coat hanger(wire), electric iron, jeans, jello, kevlar, laundromat,lipstick, electric motor, morse code, nylon, paper towel, parking meter, phonograph (records), petroleum jelly, Post-it Notes, potato chips, car radio, electric razor, safety razor, revolver (gun), roller coaster, safety pin, Scotch tape, stapler, first successful steamboat, drinking straw, sunscreen, tampon(cotton), teflon, telegraph, toilet tissue, disposable tissue, tractor, automatic signal lights, viagra, video games, washing machine(electric), computer databases, handheld computers, glass bottle making machine, CCD(digital chips used in all digital cameras) which are used to convert light into pictures(also used in missiles made by the U.S., Russia, and Europe), DSL, CAT Scans "diagnostic X ray systems", laser ranging, laser multiplexing, air brakes, silicon solar cells, digital light processor, digital signal processor(used in all digital telephones), fiber optic wire, nearly all types of lasers, first laser medical treatments, microprocessor, automated telephone switches, radiator, modem, word processor, ethernet, 3-D computer graphics, nuclear submarines, liquid fuel rocket (invented in 1910's), etc.

Also, most of the chips made in Asia are still designed in America.

Many Canadians receive government-funded U.S. medical treatments in the U.S.. Canada's medical systems pays for sending many Canadian patients to the U.S. to receive cancer treaments, advanced body scans, etc.. "Democrats, If The U.S.'s Healthcare System Is So Bad Then Why does the Canadian government pay for patients to travel to the U.S. for treatment?"

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