Monday, February 3, 2014

my daughter screams the place down in her travel system pram and only likes the lightweight stroller?


I have a 2 month old daughter and i have 2 prams, the Graco Alano Travel System and the Maclaren Volo Stroller.
When we take her out and about we have to use the travel system, because its much easier and you get a clear view of her, but when you put her in that car seat in the pushchair she screams the place down, if you push her up and down it wont work.
Recently as a gift from my in laws i got the Maclaren Volo Stroller, i was in target with them and we saw this and i was going on about how much i loved it, but it was $130.00 and there was no way me and my fiance could afford this being teen moms, my in laws brought it for us as a gift and we decided to try it on my 2 month old last week, she loves this stroller, the only stroller she will go in without crying.
What should i do? The travel system cost my brother lots of money and i would hate for it too go to waste because its such a lovely pram and its so easy to push.

The graco is a lovely pushchair but it's advisable that your baby doesn't spend too long in the car seat as she needs to lie flat to help her spine , I think it's no longer than 1 1/2 hours at a time and the volo stroller is only suitable for babe's from 6 months upwards so realistically it's bad for her spine to be in this stroller just yet . The Graco is definitely the better pushchair and is so comfy for the baby, my grand daughter loves hers and to make her ride more comfortable she has a baby nest (cosy toes). Try putting her in the Graco in the house so she gets used to it and use extra padding etc if necessary to make her feel more cwtched in. Cwtch is Welsh word and definition is on link.

Does wormholes(black hole and white hole)really exists?

Q. Some say by travelling through this thing, we can travel through time? Penin laa!

yes it do.

In physics, a wormhole (also known as Abbreviated Space) is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is essentially a "shortcut" or "abbreviation" through space and time. A wormhole has at least two mouths which are connected to a single throat. If the wormhole is traversable, matter can 'travel' from one mouth to the other by passing through the throat.

The name "wormhole" comes from an analogy used to explain the phenomenon. If a worm is travelling over the skin of an apple, then the worm could take a shortcut to the opposite side of the apple's skin by burrowing through its center, rather than travelling the entire distance around, just as a wormhole traveller could take a shortcut to the opposite side of the universe through a hole in higher-dimensional space.

There is a compact region of spacetime whose boundary is topologically trivial but whose interior is not simply connected. Formalizing this idea leads to definitions such as the following, taken from Matt Visser's Lorentzian Wormholes:

If a Lorentzian spacetime contains a compact region Ω, and if the topology of Ω is of the form Ω ~ R x Σ, where Σ is a three-manifold of nontrivial topology, whose boundary has topology of the form dΣ ~ S², and if furthermore the hypersurfaces Σ are all spacelike, then the region Ω contains a quasipermanent intra-universe wormhole.
Characterizing inter-universe wormholes is more difficult. For example, one can imagine a 'baby' universe connected to its 'parent' by a narrow 'umbilicus'. One might like to regard the umbilicus as the throat of a wormhole, but the spacetime is simply connected.

Intra-universe wormholes connect one location of a universe to another location of the same universe(in the same present time). A wormhole should be able to connect distant locations in the universe by bending spacetime, allowing travel between them that is faster than it would take light to make the journey through normal space. See the image above. Inter-universe wormholes connect one universe with another [1], [2]. This gives rise to the speculation that such wormholes could be used to travel from one parallel universe to another. A wormhole which connects (usually closed) universes is often called a Schwarzschild wormhole. Another application of a wormhole might be time travel. In that case it is a shortcut from one point in space and time to another. In string theory a wormhole has been envisioned to connect two D-branes, where the mouths are attached to the branes and are connected by a flux tube [3]. Finally, wormholes are believed to be a part of spacetime foam [4]. There are two main types of wormholes: Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes. Lorentzian wormholes are mainly studied in semiclassical gravity and Euclidean wormholes are studied in particle physics. Traversable wormholes are a special kind of Lorentzian wormholes which would allow a human to travel from one side of the wormhole to the other. Sergey Krasnikov tossed the term spacetime shortcut as a more general term for (traversable) wormholes and propulsion systems like the Alcubierre drive and the Krasnikov tube to indicate hyperfast interstellar travel.

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