Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Neutral bedding/travel system that goes together?

Mom of 7 b

I am expecting twins in about 4 months, and we need to start getting ready for the babies. We have decided that we are not going to find out the sex of the babies. We are wanting neutral bedding. I have looked online at Babies R Us, and can not find anything that has the same bedding and travel system strollers that go together. I would really appreciate it if you would help me on this.

Thanks so much!
I care because people that I know will probably go into the babies nursery and then ask me why I don't have a same travel system to match it! I'm not the one who is picky, it is my husband who is...

Please no more rude comments!

LOL..I second Mystic!!

Why in the world do you care if the bedding and travel system matches??

"I care because people that I know will probably go into the babies nursery and then ask me why I don't have a same travel system to match it!" WTF?? What kind of friends do you have?? Nobody cares! I sure as heck didn't ask my friends why the nursery didn't match the stroller!

I honestly don't think that they make bedding that matches

How in the world are you having twins in 4 months? That means you are 5 months pregnant. Looking at your previous questions, you were due with your 3rd on 8-20-08. Which is only 4 months ago. 4 months + 4 months=8 months. Last I checked pregnancies last 9 months +. You must have gotten pregnant in the hospital while delivering your 3rd child.
I smell a troll....

Twins......stroller help?

Q. I am looking for a double stroller travel system for twins. Do they make the double stroller that fits both car seat carriers at the same time? I have been looking every where for one that does that and all I can find is the kind the only fits in front not back.

Does anyone know if the car seat on a double stroller fits in the front and back?

I hope I explained correctly.

Hi I'm a mim if twin girls 6mos old and I have the baby trend snap and go and it adjust to almost any car seat and two car seats fit at one time it is so light weight and durable i call it the cadillac of strollers and I would be lost without it steers really good cause i'm a pretty bad driver but this does it with ease and it fold up easily to.I love like i said I'd be lost w/out it. I bought it online at target you most likely will have to by online cause most stores only carry the one for one car seat. but i paid $100 and got free shipping. so happy hunting hope i helped.its not side x side if thats what u wanted.

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