Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baby Eczema, a real treatment...?


My daughter is now 9 months old. She's had severe eczema since she was born. For many months we struggled with remedies that had little to no effect. It became worse and worse. Our G.P. had her try a steroid ointment, Hydro cortisone .1%. It also had little to no effect. After months of her suffering through our attempts, we took her to the Sick Kids Hospital of Toronto, Ontario. The Doctors there were amazing and within HOURS her eczema was cleared up and is still controlled to this day. What my doctor had tried was on the right road but not quite there.... what they prescribed was three short baths a day and two separate steroid ointments. Hydro cortisone at .1% for her face and Betamethisone at .05% for her body, all sealed in with a layer of Vaseline. What made the difference was the ointment versus the cream... it has to do with the water content.Now I know that many people are concerned with using the steroid ointments. I was informed that as long as there is a need for them within the system that it does not cause any problems. I only trust these doctors after speaking to MANY. So, parents, please take my experience and help your babies. I've done the field work, please reap the rewards. Now at 9 months old, she's been on the regiment for 5 months her eczema is completely controlled and she is finally starting to grow out of it. She has only one bath a day and I only do her face when she needs it, every two days or so and her back and body once a week or whenever there's irritation. I really wanted to share this info with other parents out there who are struggling with this. There were no unanswered questions I could post on though! As a side note, some doctors recommend anti-histamines at night to help with irritation and inflammation occurring over night.... tricky stuff, you don't want the wee ones becoming used to the sedation as a means to fall asleep.

I hope this information finds its way to those who need it.
A few other points
-my GP thought it was food related, found out this is not possible. KEEP THEM ON THE BREAST.
-cologne and perfume are HUGE irritants.My daughter can not kiss daddy after he's shaved
-Heat also irritates her.
When an irritant is present I can quite litterally watch her skin react.
If your child is at all similar, please take the advice and help them. It's made all the difference in the world.
Do not worry about diet. It does not effect the condition. Also, perfumes of any kind are a no-no. As mentioned, perfumes of any kind effect her immediately, be forwarned, parents. Breathable fabrics are also a must. Those lovely fluffy sleepers and blankets are nice to look at but the polyester is a huge irritant.
I have not noticed a reaction when she is emotional. She is a VERY relaxed child, though. So that could be why. Even at her worst, when she was scabbed all over her face and head, she was not overly bothered by it. We handled her scratching with mittens for a couple of months until she needed to start using her hands.... and yes, Sick Kids is absolutely amazing.
To be brutally honest, I brought this information because I tried all the "home remedies" I found on the internet and for severe eczema they do not work at all. This regime is for babies who who are covored in sores and are suffering. Sorbeline is a great treatment for mild cases. Honey I'm not too sure about. I just want parents out there looking for a solution, to see this testimony.... I've done the work for you, as has my daughter testing the home remidies and over-the-counter products. For SEVERE baby eczema, don't even waste your time. Take this information to your GP if they have not found the solution and ask.

Zyrtec isn't that bad and helps retard the migration of eosinophils, thus lowering the risk of asthma and other allergies by reducing inflammation (first link - research article).

Have you tried baths with plain bath salts (like Dead Sea salts)? Those baths seem to help my son's eczema. Certainly there is plenty of evidence that both softened water or bleach baths are helpful, just the bleach baths need further studies and you need the right directions for doing them. We compromise by offering sea salt baths.

As for the steroid treatments, yes it's steroids and yes over use is associated with thinned out skin - especially the ones by prescription. But as a biochemist I will assure you that the large molecules can not travel very far beyond the local area applied and will not effect her endocrine system or liver at all, it's only local so do use them to help when it's bad. You don't want a child with a skin infection, babies and children have been known to scratch down to blood vessels and bone when sleeping because of the itch of infection.

OH yeah, does she also have a reaction when she's very emotional? My youngest does, I can see it move on his skin, totally weird.

Need opinions. suggestions on what i should be looking for in a stroller?


Im currently 25 weeks and my dad is going to be buying my stroller for me.. He said to look around and find one i want and he would get it..

I have heard so many differing opinions on what to look for..
here are some things i am looking for in a stroller
I have a mazda 3 so would like it to fit in my trunk
i want it to be stable and sturdy if walking through snow, grass, sand, etc
i would prefer a travel system
i want it to last me.
i would prefer a 3 wheel one. but would like to know if there are any good 4 wheel ones out there

some ppl say to stay away from made in china strollers.. Why?????

Also the only place i know of to buy a stroller is babies r us / walmart. I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and if anyone knows of any other place to look it would be appreciated

Sears has way better strollers than Wal-Mart. Babies r us is okay, but overpriced in my opinion. A cup holder is handy, and one thats comfy to push. Go to the stores, and push a few around. Put a box of diapers or a doll in it and try getting it over a bump and turning it. One that's easy to collapse is a big bonus. Also, put a diaper bag or something on the handle, if its easy to tip over like that put it back. this last one, not a huge deal but I really liked is one that you can switch around so baby is facing you or out when pushing it. If your ever caught outside on a windy/snowy/rainy day it helps.

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