Thursday, January 23, 2014

@someone nice - why do you hate your own race?

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Q. Why are you ashamed to be White, despite all the achievements and inventions, and how we've improved life so much. There's a lot to be proud of, just like how Black people should be proud of their historical struggles with slavery, etc. and Mexicans, I don't know what.

White people have invented 95% of the things you use today for granted.

Freedom of Speech & the other laws that allow you to be free? WHITE PEOPLE CREATED THEM.

Not to mention... the 2nd most successful continent (Europe is first) on the planet, the successor of Europe - the Americas.

Modern day civilization? WHITE PEOPLE MADE IT.

Lightbulb? WHITE PEOPLE MADE IT - except for the "extra" thing by a black man. But it's strange how everything is invented/created/thought of by White people?

If White people erode away, then the essence of freedom and everything we created fades away. Call me "racist" now, but I hate no race, although it may seem like it, but I don't wish death, violence, harm on anyone for their race. I just take racial and cultural pride - feeling superior is a natural human instinct that has been DISTORTED by the media into the minds of every White person.

So, as I said, call me racist now, but when White people became a minority in America (or when they are no longer in government, or any control whatsoever - or when they become super minorities - below 10% of the population in America) America will crumble.

Look, a black guy got in office and fucked up America's credit rating, couldn't even think of a decent idea to prevent the downgrade. Yeah, you could blame it on Bush, but I'm sure he'd of thought of a plan to stop it, he was always full of wisdom whether you like it or not.
@Requism of Spirit - LOL at you.

Radiation Detector wasn't made by a black man?
It was Johannes Wilhelm Geiger, a German physicist, who in 1908, while working with Ernest Rutherford, invented the device that detects ionizing radiation. We know it today as the Geiger counter.

That's enough to discredit your whole site. Let me try and refute more!!!
@Requism of Spirit - I got another one.

Disposable syringe wasn't made by a black perosn.
It was invented in 1853 by Alexander Wood in Scotland.

A folding bed? Seriously, if you're going to call that an invention... If a White man invented the IRON which is supposed to FLATTEN CLOTHES and MAKE IT STRAIGHT then I'm SURE it would of aroused that "I need to have something flat underneath it too!!!!!"

You're stupid.

@Apple Pie - U-bomb

Lol, you stupid person. People send stuff to be made in China because of the people who work there for very little money to put it together instead of paying loads of money to people in the West. It was invented, the style, the idea, the design and all was made by the people before they "send it" to China to be "made".
@Requism of Spirit.

The motor wasn't made by a black man - it was made by a WHITE PERSON.

The modern DC motor was invented by accident in 1873, when Zénobe Gramme connected the dynamo he had invented to a second similar unit.

@CutiePi, grow up. Those inventions had to come from somewhere, and it wasn't from some man in Africa. It was in EUROPE AND AMERICA BABY.

The only thing that you think Black people can be proud of is surviving slavery?

Black Inventions

Biscuit Cutter A.P. Ashbourne Super Soaker Lonnie Johnson
Folding Bed L.C. Bailey Bicycle Frame Issac R. Johnson
Coin Changer James A. Bauer Space Shuttle Retrieval Arm Wm. Harwell
Rotary Engine Andrew J. Beard Printing Press W.A. Lavallette
Car Couple Andrew J. Beard Envelope Seal F.W. Leslie
Letter Box G.E. Becket Laser Fuels Lester Lee
Stainless Steel Pads Alfred Benjamin Pressure Cooker Maurice W. Lee
Torpedo Discharger H. Bradberry Window Cleaner A.L. Lewis
Disposable Syringe Phil Brooks Pencil Sharpener John L. Love
Home Security System Marie Brown Fire Extinguisher Tom J. Marshal
Corn Planter Henry Blair Lock W.A. Martin
Cotton Planter Henry Blair Shoe Lasting Machine Jan Matzeliger
Ironing Board Sarah Boone Lubricators Elijah McCoy
Horse Bridle Bit L.F.Brown Rocket Catapult Hugh MacDonald
Horse shoe Oscar E. Brown Elevator Alexander Miles
Pacemaker Otis Boykin Gas Mask Garrett Morgan
Guide Missile Otis Boykin Traffic Signal Garrett Morgan
Lawn Mower John A. Burr Hair Brush Lyda Newman
Typewriter Burridge & Marshman Heating Furnace Alice H. Paker
Train Alarm R.A. Butler Airship J.F.Pickering
Radiation Detector Geo. Carruthers Folding Chair Purdgy/Sadgwar
Peanut Butter George W. Carver Hand Stamp W.B. Purvis
Paints & Satins George W. Carver Fountain Pen W.B. Purvis
Lotion & Soaps George W. Carver Dust Pan L.P.Ray
Automatic Fishing Reel George Cook Insect Destroyer Gun A.C. Richardson
Ice cream Mold A.L. Cralle Baby Buggy W.H. Richardson
Blood Plasma Dr. Charles Drew Sugar Refinement N. Rillieux
Horse Riding Saddle Wm. D. Davis Clothes Dryer G.T. Sampson
Shoe W.A. Detiz Celluar Phone Henry Sampson
Player Piano Joseph Dickinson Pressing Comb Walter Sammons
Arm for Recording Player Joseph Dickinson Curtain Rod S.R. Scottron
Doorstop O. Dorsey Lawn Sprinkler J.W. Smith
Doorknob O. Dorsey Automatic Gearshift R.B. Spikes
Photo Print Wash Clatonia J. Dorticus Urinalysis Machine Dewey Sanderson
Photo Embossing Machine Clatonia J. Dorticus Hydraulic Shock Absorber Ralph Sanderson
Postal Letter Box P.B. Dowing Refrigerator J. Standard
Toilet T. Elkins Mop T.W. Stewart
Furniture Caster David A. Fisher Stairclimbing Wheelchair Rufus J. Weaver
Guitar Robert Flemming ,Jr Helicopter Paul E. Williams
Golf Tee George F. Grant Fire Escape Ladder J.B. Winters
Motor J. Gregory Telephone Transmitter Granville T. Woods
Lantern Micheal Harney Electric Cutoff Switch Granville T. Woods
Thermo Hair Curlers Soloman Harper Relay Instrument Granville T. Woods
Gas Burner B.F. Jackson Telephone System Granville T. Woods
Kitchen Table H.A. Jackson Galvanic Battery Granville T. Woods
Video Commander Joseph N. Jackson Electric Raillway System Granville T. Woods
Remote Controllers Joseph N. Jackson Roller Coaster Granville T. Woods
Sani-Phone Jerry Johnson Auto Air Brake Granville T. Woods

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