Monday, January 13, 2014

Travelling with my son abroad?

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I had my son 8months ago (US Citizen)and I am hoping to travel with him to South Africa for christmas to meet my family for the first time. My husband who is an American citizen refuses to let me go with him. He's afraid that we might not come back. I've tried to reassure him that I wouldn't leave my belongings, job and a marriage and dissapear on him like that. My son deserves to know my side of the family who are all abroad, what can I do legally to force him to let our son come with me (the vacation is only for 10days). Unfortunately due to finances, we cannot afford to pay for a second ticket for my husband, so figures if he cannot go then his son is not going either. What lawyer can I see, I am willing to take it that far, i won't deprive my son and my family a relationship
Here more info., my son will already be 1yr old at the time of travel.
1. My husband and his family are Jehova's Witness and do not celebrate christmas, birthdays and anything of the sort and to me christmas is a big deal and would like to be with my family for that. Christmas passes by and they don't care and I feel extremely home sick every christmas when I'm here.
2. I have and elderly, ailing mother who we thank God to still have around each year,
3. My mother's sister (who is deaf by the way) is nearing blindness from Diabetes.
These are all the reasons going home would mean the world to me, so if this seems unreasonable to some of you, then you must not have a heart. What's wrong with wanting to share my son for the first time with people who mean the world to me?

If your son was 6 or maybe 7 where he would gain bonding I would
underswtand your position but your son is le likely to bond with
family at under one year be real put off the visit and send pictures
until the child can remember and share closely the bonding you want him to share you are being unealistic and very instigating and obstinante to your loved husband and you have a rare outlook that is
very put offish and unfair to your husbands wants. Set aside your selfish wants because really the child and the family wil cherish the bonding with a more older child they have seen in photos they do not need to hold such a smal infant besides travel that far is very harsh on a baby under age 3 yrs besides the rigors of travel all the illnesses
the child in a plane is bombarded with his small immune system cannot handle may due him more harm than your family would not
want to harm his benefit or health. rethink your wants and pospone your trip save for the other ticket and love your husband letting him know you love the child as much as he does and share it together
bod with him showing him you care for his desies and love him
doent make him be deprived of you both and your love for each other
for such trivial jaunts. The child will not benefit from this long journey
besides all the shots his immune system it way to young to handle the
multitude of diseases and illnesses in a flight cooped up with some
possible lethal bugs for such a long travel. sides you do love your husband right. why wold anyone who loves their spouse and child place them in a position to be separated and in such unhealthy way.
And as far as lawyers you seem to havsome issue other than the child
that wont even be able to remember a trip to south africa until way after
he turns at least 6 or 7 I cant remember my earliest memory until
I was 4 when my dad died. so love your family dont seek lawyers
to take a family trip thats bizarre. love and honor your relationship
and think of how separated and detached your husbqand would feel
without you and his son during a family holiday meant to bring together your bonds of love. your family will understand and wait for the little loved one and they will better enjoy loving a bright and
chipper tyke as they would a a bundle of joy without the drama of the dad no there to share their smiles asthe new grandson enters their loving home. chill cheers. love each other and prosper be happy.

Cancer question...should i leave him or stay?


I am a twenty six year old woman, I live in South Africa. In 2008 when I met my husband I was doing my second year of varsity awaiting to do my last. I fell pregnant that year and had to take a break from varsity and go to Germany with my husband as he is a german. We got married but unfortunately I lost the baby. The beginning of this year I moved to the Cape trying to finish my studies when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My husband came down to South Africa and supported me especially financially. I had two chemo sessions and could not travel. He continued to support me financially but as we are in a long distance relationship he could never be there for me physically. I went through radiation treatment and 3 more sessions. My husbad started to get weird like he would ask me how much I spend on medication, on. I did not mind as he was supporting me financially. Then he came down to SA after my radiation and started asking me for every receipt of medication, of my food...telling me that I was wasting his money on expensive medication and that he is broke because of me. It hurt, still does because he said he would never give me a cent of his money until I gave him all receipts of what I spent money on. I had to move from private health care to public health care...I have no money for food or medication it has been hard on my health as I do not receive the same treatment I used to in the public system. He is in germany and I am still in South Africa because of visa issues caused by my health. I do not know if I should stay in a relationship with this man as he does not care anymore barely calls me. At this point regarding my disease I cannot deal with his behavior

If he is not willing to support emotionally then you don't have time for this in your life.
I had no support from my husband during my time with breast cancer. I chose to leave.
My family & friends got me through my bout with cancer. Your 26 years old your young yet,
get through your cancer ordeal & move on your life. This choice is yours in the end , this is only my opinion. Nothing is harder on a cancer patient when their own husband does not stand by you. Good Luck.

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