Monday, August 26, 2013

Which is the best car seat for my 6 month old baby?

baby travel systems for tall parents on Minnie Mouse Stroller, Indigo | Disney Baby
baby travel systems for tall parents image


My son is almost 6 months old but he is 19lbs(8.8kg) and 69cm(27inches) tall!! We have a Graco deluxe travel system which has been great but now the straps are really difficult to get around him. Time for a new seat. Of course I want to buy the safest for my son and I would like one that I can use as he grows (booster?) I am looking for suggestions of what to buy or what to avoid buying.

Also, given that he is only 6 months, should it still be rear-facing? Or because he is so big is front facing ok?

Confused Mom
THANKS for the clarification about the rear-facing thing!! P.O.I. I live in foreign country and can't go shopping to get some advice... I am counting on you guys :) Thanks again~~

Definitely rear facing for the first year...
we switched my son into his convertable seat around 7 months, and I did a lot of research beforehand.
If you can afford it, Brittax is wonderful... a bit out of our price range though. We were happy with our Graco infant carrier, but I didn't like the convertables as much. We ended up with Evenflo Triumph Advance, and have been very happy with it! and it's pretty gender neutral. Good luck. I'd try going on sites like and reading the parent reviews on different seats. I found that to be quite helpful.

funny questions to get to know someone better?


So I am talking to this guy on line and we are asking each other questions and I am running out of questions to ask him, we asked so many so far im out of ideas.

can someone tell me some funny questions to ask someone?
questions that you normally dont ask someone.

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If people with

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