Friday, March 28, 2014

Tips on traveling with a 1 month old?


My husband and I are expecting a child in September of this year. We had already made plans to visit a friend in Montreal in September, but we decided to push it back due to the baby coming. We are planning on visiting friends for a few days, then coming home. Assuming our babe is healthy and there are no other reasons we shouldn't travel, we hope to go up there around the time the baby will be 1-1.5 months old. We live in VA and will be traveling by car.

We have taken the trip a few times without an infant (but with a 2-4 year old) and I was looking for any advice on traveling with a one-month old. I know she will still be sleeping a lot, and I know that between feedings and changings and stretchings we will have to make numerous extra stops, so we are planning to add a few hours at least to the trip. Our son will be staying with relatives for this one, so we won't have him with us.

Please, no condemnation of the decision to travel; we are quite adventurous when it comes to our kids and I want to take advantage of the fact that I won't be working; I'm not one of those moms who barricades herself in the house until the babe is older. Our friends can't wait to have us and the baby stay with them, so there shouldn't be any issues there. My only fears so far are about exposing her still new immune system to a totally different environment, any advice on extra protection on that front?

I read that below 3 months of age, you only need the baby's birth certificate to cross the border, is that true? We are taking a station wagon, and we were wondering what to take, how often to stop, and for tips on how to keep her entertained. Also, anyone who has stayed a few days outside home with a one month old, feel free to tell me about your experiences. I've heard it can actually be easier since the babe is still imobile and completely attached to you (I plan to put my Maya Wrap to good use).

Thanks, All!

I traveled from Philadelphia to Atlanta by car with my son when he was just two months old. I don't know the required documents, but I think you will need a passport or passport card. I do also know that traveling with a newborn is as easy as you make it. You really don't have to worry about entertaining a baby that young, but just be ready to stop and feed the baby on demand or better yet take turns sitting in the the backseat with the baby, so that you can feed him/her on demand. Also, stop every three hours or so for diaper changing. Be sure to also add on travel time for these stops. Good Luck, and this link should help you.

Good evening Canucks Please explain the following?


A women in western Canada flew to the U S to have her record 8 kids you told us there was a bed shortage so why do you fly in a high risk?
A English actress had a skiing accident in eastern Canada she was air-vaced over night to the U S you told us she was already dead So why over night with a doctor? Don't you investigate accidental deaths in Canada?
Why did one of your government ministers come to the U S to have his operation?
Why did you want to pull the plug on baby Joseph?
I know you well want to clear all this up as our site were alive with you Canucks telling us of your free and better health care
Awaiting your insightful replies

While I don't claim that the Canadian Health Care system is perfect, I do believe it is better than the American system. That said, even if Canada had a similar health care system as the U.S, there would still be people that crossed the boarder. For different reasons.

Large American cities are sometimes closer than large Canadian cities. Cities such as Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, are few and far between. So it's sometimes its faster to go to an American city. An example is Windsor, which is about 5h from Toronto, but just across the bridge from Detroit. Large cities, also, develop expertise in certain fields. Such as Oncology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Cardiology, and so on. Again, Canada has has only 3 major cities, where as the U.S has many.

Just because a few Canadian go to the U.S for health care, doesn't makes the American system better. It's just a red herring. There is a growing amount of Americans traveling to third world countries, like India, to get treatment. Does that mean that India has better health care?

As for baby Joseph. I want to know what you think of the following article.

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