Saturday, January 4, 2014

Anyone else pregnant and have insane in-laws?

baby travel systems kmart on ... Navy - Baby - Baby Car Seats & Strollers - Strollers & Travel Systems
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Mommy of 2

When i got married my mother and father said to my hubby, She yours now and i'm budding out. Honestly they have. Even my husband can not complain. My mother never comes to our house uninvited and when i do invite her over even if it the house is the worst mess you ever seen she doesn't say a word.

My in-laws are insane. My husband and i dated for about 4 years before we got married. We are only married one year now. So i guess they do not know me as well as my family does. I hate being told what to do. I am very independent. I moved out of my parents house when i was 22 years old with a 5 month old baby. Even before then i was independent. If someone TOLD me do something i did the opposite. I will take advise but can not be told what to do.

I'm 17 weeks pregnant now. Me, my husband, and my 7 year old daughter are very very happy. My Parents are happy for us too. My in-laws are mad at for no reason. When we told them i was pregnant, my father in law slapped my husband and called him and ass hole, my mother in law didn't even congratulate us until the next day.

Our next visit i showed my mother-in-law the picture of the travel system (stroller, car seat) that i want to PURCHASE MYSELF. Its very expensive ($900) but it the infant travel system i want. She had the nevre to tell me that i should be happy with a Kmart stroller. I have an ok job and i've been saving to open up my own business for over a year. I've plan on putting the new money i'm saving to my stroller. On this same visit my father-in-law was telling my husband to never let me quit my job that i should give birth like they did in the old times in a field, stap the kid to my back and continue working. Even though we will struggle very much. i really want to be a SAHM. I have worked every day of my life since i was 16. My mother in law hasn't work a day in 35 years. When she got married she quit and has been home since.

Our lastest visit, I walk in the door and my father-in-law hand me a baby name book. And then continues to lecture us for 20 minutes on how we can not name out child Vincenzo because 1) he hates it and secondly because its italian. He is italian! My married last name is ITALIAN! Trying explain how my child will never get a job if i name an "ethic" name. If its a girl he doesn't like the name we picked either, Savannah. He wants us to pick a name that is more comman. Something i want to stay far away from. I would hate to have my child in school and be consider Christine S. because there are 2 other Christines in school.

These people are still not happy for us and we told them i was pregnant over 10 weeks ago. They act like we are gonna ask them for money or something. I'm not like that and i would never ask for money from anyone.

These are just the tip of the ice berg. Its a constine battle.

I really don't want to go to thier home any longer because i feel like i'm attacked the minute i walk in front door. I havent felt well since i found out that i'm pregnant and i don't need any added stress from these two people.

Anyone have in-laws even more insane than mine? Can you explain?
two things... Who in the world said i live these people? I don't live with them. I've had my own apt for 7 years! I taken care of myself for years.

Secondly, They knew about my daughter and the situation before me and my husband started dating. We have been friend since we 14 years old. So if they had problems with that they would have said something before we were serious.Plus his mom, and sister say i'm the best thing to happen to him

I wouldn't honestly know, my in-laws are SO wonderfuls I think they're insane because of it... lol

But quick question.... why in the hell hasn't your husband told them to shut it with the rude comments?

As your husband, its his job to stand up to them, especially if they are speaking ill of you.

If your husband has an issue with standing up to them, its time to throw the b*tch card in.... I would be in their faces telling them until they showed me some respect, they wouldn't see me or their grandchild...

Only you can allow them to speak to you the way they do... I am independent and I sure as hell wouldn't have put up with half te crap they've said to you.

Time to either have your husband step up or you need to do it yourself.

Air travel with baby who needs a car seat (not part of a travel system)?


we are taking our 10 month old to a couple of air trips coming up. We used to carry his car seat and his stroller to the gate and get the car seat and the stroller checked in at the gate. However, he has outgrown his 'travel system car seat' and now uses a Britax Marathon for a car seat. Now that we are taking him traveling to see relatives, how do I take the car seat with us? The Britax Marathon is big and heavy so we don't necessary want to carry it onto the plane with us. But if we check it in, I worry that it will get bumped and scratched and get dirty. Any tips?

We have traveled on the airplane with our Marathon. It installs super easy on the plane and our daughter was very comfy and slept the whole way.

I would never check a carseat. The baggage handlers are way too rough with everything and it could get damaged.

You could go to Walmart or Kmart and get the Cosco Scenera (5 point harness NOT overhead shield) for about $40. It rearfaces to 35lbs, then forward faces to 40lbs. It's much lighter than the Marathon too.

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