Sunday, September 15, 2013

How do you feel about a national health care plan??

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I'm talking about universal health care paid by the government (and your taxes) like the NHS in Great Britain.

I lived there for 7 years and both my children were born there - with my ante-natal care, two c-sections and one child in special care for a week I probably would have gone bankrupt in the USA - but over there I didn't pay 1 cent!

Do you think it could work over here??
In response to some of the answers, I just wanted to verify that I realize I paid higher taxes in the UK (did I ever!) - free health care is not literally free, but to me it's worth it to know that I could go to a doctor or emergency room and not worry about how I was going to pay the bill.
Also, I am coming from the perspective of a person who works full time and does not have the luxuries of cell phones, car loans, credit cards and satellite TV. We don't even have basic cable in my house! I'm just tired of handing over nearly half my paycheck for insurance premiums and then paying co-pay and deductibles on top.

There are a lot of assumptions here that are just plan wrong, here they are:

âI donât want to pay for people who choose not to pay for themselvesâ. I donât want to pay for other peopleâs irresponsibility either, but we are paying for it one way or the other. Why do you think we pay so much for coverage now? When folks donât have coverage they end up waiting till it is too late and end up going to the emergency room. The point they finally make it to the doctor their condition is so bad that the cost for fixing it is higher than if they took care of it right in the first place. Emergency room visits cost more than a routine visit to the doctor. Who pays for all this if they donât? We do! We pay for them with or without universal health coverage. Why do you think we pay so much for insurance? My wife and I are young and healthy, and we have a healthy baby boy. To have full coverage with Kaiser it costs us over $800 a month! In countries where they have universal coverage people donât even pay that much in a year!

We also pay for it when our Hospitals close because there isnât enough money to keep them open. We also pay when the government has to bail out the insurance companies when they go belly up. We also pay when our work force is threatened because people who need treatment arenât getting it. WE PAY ANYWAY!

âThat would be socialism, which I am againstâ. Yes it would be a social program, God forbid. Let us see what other social programs we suffer from: public schools, road maintance, the military, social security, the postal service, etc. Maybe we should just go back to living in caves?

âNot a good idea at all. Research the health care crisis in Canadaâ. Research the health care system here! We are in trouble, not because we have done things the Universal way but because we have taken the privatization route. You can find bad examples of anything if we look hard enough, but if we look for where the best medical system live, they are found in countries where a universal system is in place.

âIn the US we have the best health care in the worldâ. I wish this was true but it isnât. It may have been true 20 years ago, but the world has changed since then. Not only do they do it cheaper over seas but they do it better. I have seen the hospitals in France, I have seen the dentist offices in Thailand, and I have seen the pharmacies in Holland. We are falling behind. Going to a Dentist in Thailand is like getting in a time machine and traveling into the future. The maternities in France are like dieing and going to heaven; private rooms extended stays, service, etc. Drugs are cheaper, medical innovations abound, all over seas.

The USA is a joke when it comes to health care; we are rated 37th in the world. We have double the infant mortality than France. And drug costs are absurd here.

Letâs go Universal!

If you could be a 22-year fresh college graduate with no ties, what would you do differently in life?


Say you're 22 years old and you just earned your bachelor's degree. You don't have a lot of debt, aren't committed to anyone, and have the world at your fingers. What would you do with your life, or what would you do differently with your life?

1) Wear SPF15 sunscreen every day, regardless of where in the world you are

2) If you havenât yet, get any and all necessary dental work done.

3) If you smoke, quit. If you drink more than 3 times a week, cut back to 2.

4) If you do any drugs, stop now. Youâve already had the most fun youâll have with them, the older you get the worse the people you hang out with will be, the lower they'll drag you, and the worse sh*t you'll try.

5) Take a year out and go travelling. South East Asia and then on to Australia or something. Europe is quite expensive these days, Eastern Europe not so much so.

6) Work out 3 times a week. If you donât already, start now or you'll never start and your health for the rest of your shortened life will suffer.

7) Got to the beach more, go for walks in a national park more, take up hiking or hill walking.

8) learn a new language - its awesome and opens up a much higher % of the worlds people to you, thatâs new ideas, culture, food, and sexual partners lol

9) Do voluntary work - Big brother/Sister, save the whales, anything.... sort out future karma with the world, ya know?

10) Start saving, soon as you get back from your year out. Open up a mid to low risk pension fund, and add to it EVERY WEEK OF EVERY MONTH....the difference it'll make to your life later, well, you wouldnât even believe it baby, seriously, its that important.

11) Learn how to do Kegel exercises, and do them every day..... no one wants to spend their later years wetting themselves every day.

12) Give up all processed meats... colonic cancer is not worth all the burgers and hot dogs in the planet.

13) If you can, do a Masters or other post grad degree.... after travelling, best place to weather out a Recession is in Uni, by the time the moneys back, you'll have up-skilled, and youâll be ready to get that better job it'd take you 10 years of hard graft to achieve working your way up the ranks.

14) Avoid all military service: no point getting killed fighting for someone elseâs Oil profits,'ll get nothing positive out of it. Not one damn thing.

15) Devote time to your family.... Still got grandparents? Visit them as often as you can, cos they'll be gone soon...same with parents. Learn about your family, its history, your people.... Talk to them, theyâve a lifetime of experiences and mistakes you can learn from and as a result be better prepared to deal with your life.

16) Turn off the TV. Its fine for the odd documentary, but most TV [especially in the USA] is rubbish, its new broadcasts partisan fluff. Read more, especially the classics, learn what the hell was going on then, and what the hell is going on now. Tune into,, World Press and Reuters. Read news online, and then read up on the topic, to get the back story, as most things are never as black and white as they appear.

17) Treat your body and that of others with respect. Im not religious, nor married, but sleeping around these days is just asking for trouble. Have fun, by all means, but donât lie, cheat or promise things you cant deliver just to sleep with someone. Also, always always always use protection, seriously. You wonât just be giving yourself a death sentence you know.

18) Read more âlifeâ blogs, no point making the same stupid early mistakes that other people have already made and then taken the time to talk about it so you donât have to. Think of it as advanced âdonât stick that metal knife in the toasterâ adviceâ¦.damn bitch you better not be that stupid like :D

19) Eat well.... youâve only got one body dude, and seriously, treat it badly and its going to make life so unenjoyable youâll be like every other loser wishing they had a time machine.....

20) Get spiritual...Im not saying find Jesus, Im not saying become a hare Krishna, but try and find a suitable morality system and stick to it....walk righteous and thereâs a lot less crap going to smack you back in your face.

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