Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What brand of buggy/pram/stroller do you like/have......I need help!?


Hi all,

Im looking to buy a new pram/buggy whatever you call them where you are. My daughter is 16months, but my husband and I have decided that we will try for a 2nd child in the new year, so I thought I would buy a pram when we are on holiday because I'll find it much cheaper in the UK (where we are going) that where we live. And my daughter can use it until the new baby comes.
Are there any sites that you can check off what you want in a buggy and they list those to your requirements? What brands or pram styles can you recommend?

I want --

A pram that starts from newborn and goes to like 2-3 years old. Say maybe with a newborn bassinet that you can take out and then you are left with a seat that can recline back to flat so they can nap.

It needs to have good tires and suspension because I live in a cobble-stone and pot-hole and gravel filled town. lol Maybe a three wheeler might be good, but not totally necessary.

It needs to be well enclosed and covered, In the summer it gets hot hot hot here and bright oppressively strong sun, and in the Winter the wind comes right off the sea and chills you to the bone. Those stupid attachable shade umbrellas don't do a thing.

Neeeeds a basket, I hate those clip on bags that you put shopping in.

Would really prefer one-hand easy to colapse and re-open would be great.

The whole travel-system thing is not hugely important. Like if it doesnt have car-seat attachments...I dont care, I don't drive. If it has them, fine, if it problem.

Thanks people. and websites would also be a great help :o)

We bought a pram that we thought was ideal, we live in the mountains so it gets really cold here too, and everywhere is bumpy and rocky so it needed to be good for rough ground too, it doesn't tip up easily when you push down on the handles, and the space underneath is adequate for a medium shopping trip. It's wheels aren't too big that they get stuck at checkouts. And the rain cover accessory is fine. It's a pram that turns around into a stroller and it all comes apart and is washable. It's called Infa Voyager.
The only thing is, with 3 wheels, it does tend to tip a bit on really rough uneven ground, and it doesn't fold up very small, and it is pretty heavy too, although you can use it from age 0 to about 5 years old.

Hope this helps. xx

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