Friday, November 1, 2013

Need some baby product advice from mommies!?

baby travel systems made in the usa on RUNssel - advanced jogging: Racereport: New York City Marathon 2009
baby travel systems made in the usa image


Okay so I'm doing my major buys pretty soon for my twins. Since I can't find much here were I live in Canada - mostly because I'm extremely fussy - I will be buying most in the USA. Any way what do you think of the stuff I picked and do you have any suggestions?

Crib which are HUGE splurges:

And my mothers making bedding similar to this:

This stroller:

Bassinet unless I find something different:

I'll be getting the matching change table and dresser as the crib. What do you all think?

I think $670 is way too much for a crib, even a convertible one. That's quite a splurge...especially if you're buying two of them.

I think the stroller looks nice, but I don't see it as very practical for infants. I think your best option would be to get a double stroller travel system, which would allow you to use the infant carseats with them. Those are a great option with infants, especially newborns, when you are out and about. Not only do they allow the babies to face you, it also makes it easier when going from car to stroller.

The pack-n-play looks great! I didn't know they made them for twins, I think that's really neat. Congrats! :)

Is it ok for a 3-5 month old baby to travel a long flight?


Im planning to travel soon after I give birth to be with the father of my baby. He's from NY, USA by the way and I'm from the Philippines. I'm gonna fly from here to Japan, then from Japan to NY. The whole trip will approximately take 20-22 hours including time in between flights. Do you think I can handle it? This will be my second time to go there but my first to travel with a baby. I don't really know what to expect. I know it's gonna be hard. I would only get economy class ticket and I'll have the baby sit on my lap. Please help.
We'll fly most probably during winter season cuz my due date is August 26, 2008 and I still have to get our baby a Consular Certificate of Birth Abroad and a US passport.

Yes its perfectly fine. Babies are fine as long as they have a parent near them and as the babe is past 3 month they are past any worries of their immune system.

One of the main sources of discomfort for infants traveling on airplanes is the change in cabin pressure when taking off and landing. This causes pressure in the ears, and can be quite painful for the baby, particularly if the baby has a stuffy nose. Prepare for this by planning to nurse or give a bottle or pacifier to the child during take-offs and landing to help alleviate the pressure.

Babies under 6 months tend to be lulled by the sound of the engine and sleep a lot.

If your baby is awake and fussy, use a Baby Bjorn or other baby sling to walk up and down the aisle to give the baby a change of scenery. Bring along an age-appropriate new rattle, book, toy, or stuffed animal to keep the baby amused, and don't forget cool teething rings for babies needing something to chew. Airsickness bags can make an on-the-spot hand puppet â just draw a face on the bottom of the bag and amuse your child with endless games of "Peek-a-Boo".

When it's time to eat, it is fairly easy to nurse on the plane. You might want to bring along a small pillow for extra support, since the ones provided by the airline are fairly small and slippery. A Boppy pillow is probably too big â a few rolled up airplane blankets or baby blankets from home will do and use an extra blanket for privacy. Book a window seat if would like maximum privacy. If you are using bottles, it is easiest to use the pre-measured, individual servings of formula. If using powdered formula, measure it out beforehand in individual baggies or in a container with compartments made just for this purpose. Bring along a small, soft-sided cooler for anything that is frozen or must be kept cool.

You can thaw out frozen breast milk in hot water using an airsickness bag. Ask the flight attendant to pour some hot water into the bag (make sure they are usually plastic lined and won't leak). Put the frozen milk in, slosh it around, and wait for it to thaw or warm up. Another idea is to get a collapsible bowl at a pet store and use this as your bottle warmer, along with hot water from the flight attendant.

Many airplanes have fold-down changing tables in the restrooms, but not all do. Ask the flight attendant which ones have the changing tables before you hike all the way to the back only to find that the changing table is in the front of the plane. Be sure to bring along enough plastic bags to dispose of the diaper. If the baby is small enough, you may be able to change him or her in the seat, but as a courtesy to those around you, take the dirty diapers to the restroom for changing.

The main thing to remember about traveling with baby is to relax â it will likely go much better than you are anticipating! For us, the times that strangers and flight crews were kind and helpful far outnumbered the occasional rude stare. It was amazing how often business people and random strangers got misty-eyed looking at her and telling us about their own kids or grandkids.

Last make sure about the fluid regulations on the plane and what ID is required for your baby, most accept a birth certificate.

For many parents, this is the best time to travel with kids. Enjoy it!

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