Thursday, March 20, 2014

Best travel system?

Q. I am going to buy a travel system for my baby. (has a car seat, and stroller combo) I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice as to which ones are the best? I was looking to spend around $150-$200.
Forgot to mention that I'm having a boy.....don't know if that will help or not?

I am so glad I found this question. I have been eager to recommend the travel system we use to someone. It is the Chicco Cortina Travel System (Sahara is the style) and we LOVE it! (I think there are more colors too. Check in store for colors since they are not accurate online.) I had never even heard of Chicco. We ended up purchasing this system after we could not find an infant seat that would fit in our car. This was one of two that did fit. That is another recommendation I have; try the seats out in your own car before you buy. Babies R Us let me do this. We will soon be moving to a convertible car seat and I wish Chicco made those too! This travel system is such great quality. We noticed most other infant seats look cheap compared to this one. I was able to get the whole system for $200 plus tax. I used a few coupons to get it down from $279.99. Although, it IS worth that much. I had a coupon for (I think) $20 off a stroller over a certain price, one for 15% off any item, and I also used my remaining registry items coupon - an additional 10% off. Babies R Us has great coupons and they let you use a few at a time (read the fine print) so sign up on the web to recieve them! More about the travel system... I think my recommendation is based on quality, look, price, and enjoyment of use. The only downside is the small storage space underneath. I think it is enough room, but we have to take the infant seat off the stroller to get the diaper bag in and out. Don't know how other travel systems do in this area. That is such a small bother for me considering how much I love this product. So I don't mind at at all, plus I can throw the diaper bag on my shoulder if I want or use a smaller one. I love using this, and look for excuses to do so more often. Another tip for car seat purchases in general: check the foam thickness underneath the cover. I like to buy the thickest foam I can afford, as it absorbs the shock rather than your baby's body. Congrats Mom2be!
PS. The infant seat doesn't latch on to grocery carts... which is another thing that doesn't bother me. I always shop with someone so I can push the stroller and they can push the cart or vice versa. Just don't put him on top of the cart! I guess you will have to weigh those things and see which are important to you. Always check the store because there are so many great products that you would not otherwise know about. Be sure you really want whatever you are going to buy!

What are your top ten baby products ever?


I am starting to shop for the new baby and i am worried i will forget something. What were your must haves? What was a waste of money and what do you wish you had but didn't.

1 - carseat (I like the travel system with stroller kind)
2 - baby carrier - I love the Ergo carrier but also have several others that seldom get used. A Moby wrap is nice for nursing though & good for newborns
3 - clothing of course & whatever type of diapers you plan to use (cloth or disposables)
4 - diaper changing table/station - ours is downstairs & it makes it so much nicer than going up & down stairs all day.
5 - breastpump - but I had to go back to work - it's not as necessary if you stay home & then of course all the stuff that goes with that...breastpads (I think Johnson & Johnson make the best disposables AND cloth ones) - Lansinoh cream for nipples, milk storage bags (they warm MUCH faster whether frozen or just refrigerated), bottles of some preference is Second Nature
6 - exersaucer - my first LIVED in this thing as soon as he could set up & still asked to get in after he could walk...LOL
7 - Boppy Pillow or Breastfriend - whether you nurse or not - it is a back saver!
8 - Swing - baby may or may not love it. My first hated the swing & never never took to it - but you can't know until you know & many babies love them. They will be a lifesaver if baby likes them for things like showering.
9 - Bumbo Seat - my first loved this thing & we used it until he didn't fit in it. He loved to eat there instead of the we packed the bulky highchair up after a certain point & I don't plan to even bother getting it out this time. Our Bumbo has a tray & everything - so it's totally sufficient.
10 - Swaddle-me blankets. Both my babies have loved swaddling but I never got one of these until this time - now I own 5...LOL They are wonderful for a baby that likes swaddling!

Stuff we didn't need that we bought or were given:
With my first - the swing - total waste, same with the highchair
We bedshare with our babies, so I don't really need a bed for them that first year...but I do keep a bassinet for naps, etc. I bought a crib for my first after he was a year & attached it to our bed to give us all a little more room. We didn't need one or want one until then. The nice part is because I waited & just kept an eye out for a deal I got a nearly $500 crib for $99 ob clearance. You definitely don't need a bed in a bag for your crib. They recommend you don't use any bedding in with baby & also no just buy the sheets & bedskirt as that is all you are supposed to use anyway. I didn't even do that - since it was attached to our bed I bought an extra twin bedskirt to match our bed & twin sheets. The I made the bedskirt work with tucking & safety pins & I use these: to make the sheets snug. It's very easy.

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