Monday, May 19, 2014

Need suggestions for a great looking, durable regular stroller for a larger baby. (Not a jogger or liteweight)?


I am researching strollers for our new baby (due in 3 weeks). Here's what I am looking for:
*not a travel system
*not a jogger
*must have cup holder for parent
*not a lightweight/umbrella (just a regular standard size)
*3 or 4 wheelers
*must be roomy enough for a larger baby
*must be under $200

The larger baby thing is important as we expect this one to be big like his brother was. I'd like to use it until he's close to 3 and our first son was about 40-45 lbs at 3 and tall for his age, too. So the seat must be roomy. I'd appreciate any suggestions. One that I am looking at is the Kolcraft 3 wheeler- Cosmic. There is also one just like it that is a 4 wheeler. If anyone has one, let me know what you think.

This is the stroller we have and I love it! I have the carseat that goes with it for my baby but also recently used the stroller when I babysat my friends 3-year old son. (He's a big boy and tall for his age.) He had plenty of room and I was able to easily push him through the grass when we had to "off road" at one point. It has the cup holder and even a spot that is perfect for my cellphone and keys with a lid so they don't bounce out.

Chicco Trevi Stroller - Fuego
Product Description
The lightweight and fully-featured Trevi Stroller from Chicco can also be used as a travel system with the Chicco KeyFit or KeyFit 30 infant car seats (sold separately). It features a compact 3-D fold for easy travel and storage, 5-point safety harness, extra large wheels for various terrains, parent cup holder and child tray with double cup holders, storage basket and an adjustable, removable canopy with peek-a-boo window and sun visor for added protection. The multi-position, fully-reclining seat and adjustable leg support provides comfort for your baby. All-wheel suspension with front locking swivels provides an extra-smooth ride

No TV, no electronic games/systems/music players/etc?

user forma

How did you occupy your time as a child under those circumstances?
What about your kids?

I know when I was growing up, my siblings and I spent many of hours outside playing or reading or doing who knows what but when we couldn't go outside, we used to make up stuff to do indoors. Back in my day (i used to walk up hill to school in the snow barefoot both ways...) there wasn't cable (at least not like today, and we didn't have it) so that wasn't even an option. What we used to do was go through the phone book and find the funniest names we could. This would seriously occupy us over and over again. lol We were simple but it was funny and we were amused, so no harm.
lol how old did i make myself sound? mostly i'm being facetious guys. but we really did do most of our playing outside of electronics. the only tv that was there was saturday morning cartoons or for the hour after school. everything was aimed at adults.

Me and my brother used to use the phone book to find funny names too!!! Hahaha :)
I grew up spending half my time travelling with my parents and the rest of the time we spent on our farm. Me and my 3 siblings grew up riding horses, donkeys, cows (well at least we tried to), chasing the goats and chooks, daring each other to jump into the dams from different trees, playing in the dirt, playing hide n seek.
When we were inside my sisters and I would play with all ours moms jewlery and try her clothes and make up on, and make our brother play house with us-I was the mom, my brother was the dad, our youngest sister was the baby and my poor middle sister was the maid haha. I used to put on puppet shows and make everyone in my family pay to watch them, as well as my little "Madonna" shows where I would sing "Like a Virgin" hahaha. Madonna was my idol! We'd play guitar and piano, do chores and my mom used to try and make me and my sisters wear matching dresses right up until I was 17 and got married lol.

I live in the city now, and we're just lucky to have a backyard big enough to keep 3 dogs in so my boys spend most of their time outside playing with them. When they're inside they're either playing with each other, with their older sister, with mom and dad, or wanting to hold their new baby brother 24/7. They watch tv and movies, and play the stupid wii (i'm starting to hate the thing!) and much to the neighbours dismay daddy gets out the 4-wheeler and they ride it up and down the street. We try to go down to my parents at least once a month and they LOVE it. Next time we move I am determined we will move somewhere with property so we can have all the space and animals we would like.

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