Thursday, May 22, 2014

One universe, or two?

Q. The scenario is hypothetical, invented to illustrate a thesis.

40 lightyears from Earth, in the direction of the North Star, there is a solar system with intelligent creatures on it.

40 lightyears from Earth, in the direction of the South Star, there is another solar system with intelligent creatures on it.

Civilizations on both of these other planets happen to intercept a radio transmission from Earth. It's something about a "War to End All Wars." At once the monarchs of these respective planets command their radio astronomers to send a message to Earth, congratulating the Earth people for eliminating the troublesome problem of war.

By chance, it happened that a baby prince was born to the King of Planet North on the very day the radio astronomers sent the message commanded by their king.

By chance, a baby princess was born to the Queen of Planet South on the very day that the radio astronomers of Planet South sent the message commanded by their queen.

80 years after Planet North sent its congratulatory message to Earth, the radio astronomers of Planet North learned about the existence of Planet South, which is 40 light years on past Earth.

80 years after Planet South sent its congratulatory message to Earth, the radio astronomers of Planet South learned about the existence of Planet North, which is 40 light years on past Earth.

It just so happens that the Prince of Planet North lived 70 years and died.

And likewise the Princess of Planet South also lived 70 years and died.

Question: Were these two persons in the same universe?
Someone asked why I would think that the Prince of Planet North and the Princess of Planet South did not occupy the same universe. The answer is simple.

Each of them died before any signal from the other one's birth could have reached him/her, even though it traveled at the speed of light. No information created by the Prince of Planet North could possibly affect the Princess of Planet South, and vice versa.

It is possible that a third observer could be witness to the existence of both of them, but this third observer would could not inform either young royal of the other one's existence.
It seems to be the consensus of most of the answerers that the Prince of Planet North and the Princess of Planet South did, indeed, belong to the same universe, even though each of them occupied that part of the Minkowski diagram called "Absolute Elsewhere."

The Prince was in neither the future nor the past of the Princess. The Princess was in neither the future nor the past of the Prince.

However, because it is possible for a third observer to have received signals from both the Prince and the Princess, most people feel obliged to insist that these two royals occupied the same universe.

A distinction, then, must be made between Absolute Elsewhere in which such a third observer is possible, and Absolute Elsewheres in which it is impossible for any third person to receive signals from both of the primary two persons.

Interesting. I would say this depends on your definition of a "universe"
As far as I'm concerned, the universe does not depend on how far away things are, but rather on whether it is possible for matter or energy from to travel from one to the other. For this reason I would argue that they were in the same universe.

There is also the issue of space-time, which would suggest that if they had been so ... lucky, they could have met each other in their lifetimes (what with light-speed travel reducing the flow of time for them). They COULD have met, and that puts them in the same universe.

So, god could exist, blah blah (filling up space)?

Q. First off, no, I'm not becoming a deist or theist.
Now if the multiverse theory is correct, then there could be an endless amount of possibilities, as other universes would have things that we don't etc. So that being the case (maybe), then a god of some sort could exist in another universe. But if that god only existed in that one universe, then it would not be a "god" as such, because it is confined to one space, so it would not be all-powerful.

Thoughts/Opinions etc. etc.?

(First suggestion : Science & Mathematics > Astronomy & Space)

Is it a faith doesn't require physical proof,sensory proof and evidence.who told this.i think a man who told this is uneducated, i think he missed his brain somewhere.
we are humans come on we do have brain to think to find and explore something.
miracle what is a miracle.definition says miracle is something humans cant explain.funny isn't there something humans cant explain with science?? i don't think so??we have extreme inventions we can overtake sound with our new jets which travels 1500+ km/hr isn't it.we haven't found any angels traveling that fast.we have invented this jet after our long long development from Zhuge Liang to wright brothers.3rd century(1400 years ago) Zhuge Liang had a flying balloon from that our scientific brain worked to reach from 30km/h to 1500 km/h cool isn't it.hay we have rockets to reach 7,500 km/hour, space craft (unmanned) to reach 58,536 km/h.even though science don't have proof that we could travel alive over 25000 km/h.we can say we are the fastest.oops i forgot something what about light it travels in a vacuum is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 miles per second (482469193 kilometers per second) -oh shed how many years it will take for man to reach such speed with science and invention.better calculate with a fast computer.lets leave is the greatest for man so no comments lets skip this.We have extreme discoveries man lets talk about this.our space craft will reach pluto in 2015 and see no god and angels in the whole solar system we will now find everything till pluto with lots of evidence.see pluto is 5,913,520,000 km from sun and we reached whats next lets say we didn't find heaven and hell in knows everything.- o my- we solar system is in milky way galaxy and milky way galaxie's total distance and diameter is 100,000 light means light needs 100,000 years to reach its total distance.light travels 482469193 kilometers per second and reaches milky way in 100,000 many years human science will take to explore and research milky way.o baby i forgot something there are 10,000 galaxies exist(as per science) including milky way.for milky way alone it takes 100,000 light years what about many years it will take for science to research and find all those.oops this time we use super computer to calculate.ok we skip this too.we have brain man.we have science lets speak about other subject.we have medical science.we save people we can even fit phase maker and we explored everything in our human body and we know everything inside us.i am proud that we are humans we know everything.hay i forgot this thing where is that soul is located why we die? when will science catch that soul which leave the body.shud up there is no soul exist.ok then how we run? what is a human? explain.come on bro science sure can.ok tell me after death where we go.why no heart heart beat because of death.k explain what is death? what the shed is called life man.explain it.tell me science proof for soul or what ever which keeps us moving.ok cool.i have no answer.hai come on we have something moer we can save a person from death and make him live to his max.oh is it why we cant make a man live over 200 years.hmm lets leave this topic too.we will sure find what is life soul and death in future.u know we haven't yet discovered us no comments.hai you know we have discovered everything inside earth with our science.but we have no exact what we are doing now is drilling the earth to its know we reached the maximum.we drilled 12 kilometers down and we explored many things out of it.hai tell me one thing how many percentage you reached inside earth its around 0.2% u know 12 kilometers is 0.2% we just have 99.8% to drill and find many years it took to reach such 12 kilometers just after super scientific research of 5000 years.from human water well to latest machine drill.we will sure reach the core in the future may be in 3 million it means science explored and discovered every place in our planet isn't it.great man.shud up we never told such you know including Yeti there are more than 30 forests which is so deep.we don't even know whats inside all we know that they are very deep forest.that's enough isn't it.ya ya ok so science explored all water levels then.oh ya we reached 4000 meters with our super technology.but unfortunately the depth we have to explore is about 2,550 Mariana trench.sure we will invent something to reach when science will find something which can dive 4000 meters.wait man let me finish the mission to 4000 meters wasn't so successful we will make it successful first then we will think about other depth which is more than 100 in my hand is paining i cant type anymore for this question.i can say one thing.we will find god after we discover and explore all his creations.then only we can think about creator.

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