Monday, January 27, 2014

40 Gallon Tall vs. 29 Gallon Stout?

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So I've got some baby goldfish, and to tanks. One is 29 gallons, about L 30" x W 18" x H 14", and the other is 40 gallons, about L 32" x W 12" x H 22". I know the 40G has more water volume, but wouldn't it also have less surface area? which is better for my fish in the long run? (or short run)?


Note 1: 32x12x14 is actually a few gallons less less then 40g, but I'll call it 40g in my response

Note 2: Chad G's response currently ays "By my math the 40G still has 4 inches more "surface area"". Either Chad has accidentally made a big math error (30x18=560 and 32x12=384) or does not understand that only the top surface of the tank matters for surface area considerations, or is is trying to say something that, based on his current answer, I can't quite follow

It's probably best for you to go with the 40g, but there are considerations...

Consideration 1: Water volume
As they say â dilution is the solution to pollution. Water quality is always easier to maintain on a larger tank.
Winner = 40g

Consideration 2: Water oxygenation
The L x W surface area of the tank is not as important as the amount of surface agitation. The ripples created on the water surface from air bubbles and/or a power filter is the action that drastically increases surface area for water oxygenation. At a given temperature the water has a maximum amount of dissolved oxygen holding capacity. You will not be able to âsuper-oxygenateâ the water, and a properly sized filtration system will keep the water fully oxygenated in either tank under normal circumstances.

Consequently, while the 29g has 560 square inches of surface area compared to the 40âs 384, the added surface area is an advantage under only one condition - extended power outages. If you travel and can be gone for a week or two, and live in a region where extended power outages can happen, the 29 gallon tankâs larger surface area is a big deal. (Since there would be nobody to feed the fish rising ammonia levels would not occur. And, surprisingly to many, goldfish can actually survive a week or two without food. (A pair of goldfish survived an incredible 134 days in earthquake-hit New Zealand without any fish food or electricity to power their 100-litre tank.)
Winner = 40g unless you have that one extreme possibility, then the 29g wins.

Consideration 3: Actual water depth with gravel.
If you put 2â of gravel in a 14â tank youâre left with 12â. On my 55g goldfish & koi tank Iâve been experimenting for the last 18 months with the pros and cons of a 5-6â gravel bed (no UGF) rather than a 1-2â bed with UGF. The 12â depth has been fine, and Iâm only moving them to a 100g because theyâve gotten bigger (all six are 4-6 inches not including tail). The extra depth for the tall tank will give the fish more vertical swimming room, but fish primarily swim horizontally, so the extra 2â on the 40g is nice too.
Winner = tie

Consideration 4: Fish grow.
Your goldfish will eventually grow into a 40g tank. But, they will eventually grow out of a 29g tank (and possibly even your 40) â so itâs better to plan for it now. By the time your goldfish grow to need 18â of tank width they will be far beyond the capability of a 29g tank.
Winner = 40g

Note 3: Thanks for clarifying your math error Chad. I didnât point it out to embarrass you I just didnât want Dan to have bad info and I hope you can appreciate that. As for the length of my answer, I was responding to Danâs question, and wanted give him good info to base a decision on. If Dan feels it is too long he can let me know. As for your personal insults toward my education, I think they are out of place.

needing help with a refused visa?


My partner has been refused a settlement visa to come to uk, i am 5 weeks away from having his baby, and because he was refused been told he would have to apply for a holiday visa to come for 6 months but has now been told he has a very slim chance of being given this visa, does anybody know what we can do to get him here for the birth of his daughter, this has been going on for 14 weeks and thousands of pounds later, i have read he can fly into France without a visa, where i am currently living does anyone know if this is true as i couldn't bare him beng told he has to go home after travelling here please help

Sorry, but why do you expect answerers reading through your previous questions instead of providing the information required to answer your question. In this particular case the citizenship of your partner.. ..
Anyhow citizen of New Zealand may stay in France without visa for 90 days provided they hold a valid return flight ticket and sufficient funds to cover their stay [⬠62 per day / ~NZ$ 10,000 for 90 days]. ..

All European Union countries share immigration information based on the Schengen Information System. Should his visa refusal to the United Kingdom be based on fraudulent documentation provided he can be sure not to be granted entry to any European Union country, sorry..

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