Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is it totally rediculous to buy 3 strollers for our toddler and newborn?

baby trend travel system jogger reviews on ... .com: Customer Reviews: Baby Trend Jogger Travel System - Gray Mist
baby trend travel system jogger reviews image


I have a 23 month old and am due in December. My 2 YO doesn't really like to sit in her stroller that much, but at the same time it is still totally necessary for zoo trips, mall trips ect. And we go on day/weekend trips a LOT and totally HAVE to have a place for her to sit then too. I have a baby sling that I can/will use. However when the baby is a newborn and it is winter time I am certianly not going to want to take them out of thier nice comfy warm car seat to place them in a sling ect, especially if they are asleep. I am planning on getting the baby trend stroller that the car seat straps into. I was also planning on gettin the Baby Jogger City Mini twin with a buggy board attachment on the back (they now make a car seat adapter for the mini). However I would still like to have an umbrella style for quick trips around town. The baby will be about 4-5 months before it is really warm here and I would be OK taking them out of the car seat and into something where they can just lay/sit. I was considering a sit and stand style however I want an actual seat for my 2 YO not just a bench, and I really hate the way they look. I was considering getting the city mini and then looking for a used Maclaren for when they are bigger. None of the baby stores near where i live has the City Mini for me to preview so I have to go off of reviews and stuff online. Is the city mini light/compact enought to compare to a Maclaren? And suggestions/reviews? I really do not want one of the Graco type doubles that are wider front/back as I have used them before and they are super hard to move around. From what I've read the city mini is almost small enough to so through a standard door. you just have to tilt it sort of sideways.
well I already have 3 that we're/are my 2 year olds. The sinle one that came with the travel system that I hate. A really nice jogger one (but it's only a single) and then a single maclaren stroller. There are times I will still use the jogger and single maclaren but I also see totally good reasons to have the car seat adapter one, the city mini, and eventually the maclaren double. But my husband is DONE with me buying stollers!

OHH I hear you!! When my son was born we got a Graco travel system and a jogger since my husband likes to run and we thought it'll be great to take our son out for runs, hikes, etc. Well my son never really liked the jogger :(
And my daughter came when my son was a bit over 2, and just like your daughter he wouldnt sit much in his stroller either, but for longer trips, mall etc we needed one. So I got a Graco tandem stroller- bad idea! The thing was soo heavy, my son was uncomfortable, and I hated it. But my daughter was born in January! so we needed a stroller for the both of them!
Soon we weaned my son out of his stroller and we got an umbrella stroller for trips.

My sister had a baby not too long ago and she opted for the Chicco twin stroller, for her newborn and her toddler. It's amazing! I wish I had thought of that when my daughter was born!! It's very light, it's comfortable for both kids, and it's compact!!

Good Luck!!

I'm looking for a 3-wheeled stroller?


My husband and I are looking to get a 3-wheeled stroller, but there are so many out there I don't know which to go with. I was hoping someone owning a 3-wheeled stroller could help me out? I've looked at different makes/brands but these reviews are driving me nuts!
So, if you own one...
What brand do you have? Do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? I love the travel systems, but I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be one. Some brands I'm looking into so far are: Mia Moda Energi stroller, BabyTrend Expedition Travel System, Graco Trekko, and also the Jeep 3-wheeled stroller.
Is anybody able to weigh in with their opinions?

I would recommend going to a store like babies-r-us and trying some out. We have a Baby Trend and honestly I do like it. But I don't recommend a jogging stroller until they're 6 months up. As far as I know, there isn't a 3 wheeled stroller that lays flat, and newborns need that. It's also not good to rely on the car seat because the slope that they're kept at can interfere with breathing (SIDS recommendations are to keep the baby sleeping on a flat surface.) My favorite combo? A nice ergonomic carrier (like the Ergo or Moby-Wrap) for the first 6 months, then a nice 3-wheeled stroller with off-road capabilities once they're able to sit up. :) I did that with my son, pushing his sister in the stroller, and it was WONDERFUL, they're so little and snuggly against you at that age there's no reason to need a travel system or even use a stroller for them. And biologically they want to see your face and snuggle up by you, not be in a stroller, until they're able to physically start exploring a bit then they seem to like a stroller more.

It also sort of depends what you're using it for. If you're jogging with your stroller, then the Baby Trend isn't a good one because the front-wheel is loose or you can lock it in place, so for serious joggers that front wheel tends to come loose with time and wobble, not good. If you're going off-road though, then I prefer one like the Baby Trend because you can leave the front wheel so it turns and it's not hard to control, also the wheels are bike-wheels so you can get all-terrain bike wheels or just carry a bike-repair kit and if you get a flat then it's not hard to fix. If you're wanting city-type living, one handed folding, etc, then one like the Britax B-Agile will work, with smaller wheels.

I have never liked the Jeep 3 wheeler, every one I tried just didn't work for us. I like my Baby Trend because of the big wheels and how easy they are to fix, but don't like how it's not really great for jogging, still we use ours mostly off-roading. In stores, the long profile can get in the way, but the narrow width makes it so that anywhere I can walk through comfortably, the stroller easily fits.

So really it all depends on what you want it for. If you want it for jogging and exercise, get a real jogger with a fixed front wheel. If you want it for city, then the big wheels and long profile can get in the way on buses and in stores, the smaller wheeled varieties will serve you better. If you want it off-road (sand, big curbs, trails, rocks, etc), the big wheels and turning front wheel capabilities are far better. If you plan on having more kids, consider things like the Britax B-Ready (ridiculously expensive, but you can find other brands that do the same thing) where there's 4 wheels, but very maneuverable and able to be adjusted for a flat pram-like bed or 2 kids riding in it.

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