Friday, January 31, 2014

Are pregnant Mainland Chinese allowed to come to Taiwan now to have their babies?

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I see what has been happening in Hong Kong.

With the expansion of travel from Mainland China to Taiwan granted by the KMT, how long will it be before a lot of mothers-to-be start planting their PRC children in Taiwan?
In the past decade the number of babies born to mainland women who are not married to Hong Kongers jumped from 620 in 2001 to 32,563 last year.
"Honey, I'm going into labor. Get me on a plane to Taipei, NOW!"
(We can talk about how "all Taiwanese became Chinese" at a later date... OK?)

I am no immigration law expert, but from what I know, the short answer is yes.

The situation in Hong Kong is that pregnant Chinese women are going to Hong Kong to have children, leading to locals to stage a protest, arguing that public health resources are directed toward non-local people. As a result, public hospitals are crowded out, forcing Hong Kong women to seek higher priced medical service at private hospitals. While the number of pregnant women in mainland China traveling to Hong Kong have increased, it is thought that most of them are wealthy enough to buy their way into Hong Kong, the financial barrier is still great for most mainland Chinese.

From the public health perspective, Taiwan is already facing this kind of pressure, because Taiwanese doctors have all but fled the more traditional roles (pediatrics, surgical units, internal medicine, and obstetrics/gynecology), more and more doctors are seeking to practice in cosmetic surgery, which is much more lucrative in terms of effort and income ratio. If pregnant mainland Chinese come to Taiwan to have their babies, it is bound to have some impact on Taiwan's medical resources.

I know you are concerned about the issue of immigration, more so than the problems with Taiwan's public health. So here is my opinion.

There's a gradual increase of Taiwanese marrying mainland Chinese, and vice versa, happening in recent years, the government have set up tight control over who gets to enter Taiwan from mainland China. However, it does not seem there are tight rules over pregnant women seeking to have their babies in Taiwan. The same issue with having babies elsewhere, in Hong Kong or Taiwan, is the financial barrier. Taiwan's universal health care does not cover foreign individuals, therefore patients are required to pay at the full cost, which is quite a heavy sum.

Now if the situation is that PRC parents coming to Taiwan to have children, the current rule is that you still have to apply for legal status, which may or may not be approved. If one of the parents is a Taiwanese national, then you have a greater chance of being approved, providing that you have proof of parental DNA relationship. Both situations above require many paperwork, and is not easily fulfilled. To be honest, I think most mainland Chinese prefer to immigrate to the US, given that they can afford it. By the way, Hong Kong people also have a greater chance of being accepted to Taiwan.

In my opinion, Taiwan can probably take advantage of mainland Chinese immigrating to Taiwan. First of all, communist China will probably hesitate to raise a war with Taiwan, because it will cause casualties on their side. This might ease the tension across the straits. Secondly, to a raise a child in Taiwan is no small feat, Taiwan can harvest a lot of taxes off those rich mainland Chinese parents. Lastly, immigrating to Taiwan is very complicated, though I cannot definitively tell you there are no loopholes, I will tell you that once a mainland Chinese baby go Taiwanese, there's no turning back, because our system plainly works better.

Is it reasonable Mainlanders complain Hong Kong's forbidding 3 or more cans milk powder taken out of HK?


The whole problem stemmed from China's inability to stop the country's toxic milk production which went headline in 2008.

5 years gone by toxic milk powder is still selling all over China which drive tons of Mainlanders travel around the world to stock up reliable milk powder for their babies. It has also led to the illegal smuggling of foreign milk powders into China as China imposes heavy tariffs on imported goods.

Hong Kong, a small neighboring city of 7 million population is hard hit by the hungry Mainland milk powder scramblers and smugglers. Tons of ruthless Mainlanders loaded with carton boxes of milk powder pushing around the narrow alleys of train and bus stations daily causing nuisances to HK residents.

HK parents are finding very difficult to buy milk powder in HK's supermarkets and stores, many parents petitioned to the government for help. 12,500 signatures were also sent to President Obama in January.

HK government passed a new law which came into effect on March 1 limiting each adult travel can take with him/her a maximum of 2 cans of milk powder. Since passing of the new law, the supply of milk powder normalize in all the supermarkets and stores in HK and the tens of thousands of daily ruthless Mainland smugglers disappeared all at once.

Instead of complaining the incompetence and inability of their own CCP government to stop the toxic milk production inside China which in turn cause nuisances not only to Hong Kong but to the whole world, Mainlanders begin to fiercely attack Hong Kong for passing the new law which include CCP mouthpiece The Global Times, a subsidiary of China Daily.

Aren't Mainlanders lacking common sense and grasping the root of the problem? Don't they realize that it's CCP/Mainlanders desperately in need to cling onto Hong Kong and not the other way around?

Under 1 country 2 systems, HK has all good reasons to legislate laws to protect the best interest of the small city and its 7 million people not to get abused by the greedy, ruthless and poor Mainlanders. In case CCP/Mainlanders think otherwise, please go ahead to announce to the whole world that Hong Kong be independent. Thank you.
@CCP mouthpiece Walle

"HK Governor"??? So even CCP mouthpiece the wonderful city should be gone back to the British, eh, LOL!!! No wonder only the mouthpiece dreamt about "HK Governor" apologize.

Tell your CCP masters without educating the locusts properly to behave like normal human beings, keep them locked up, Mao was more brilliant in this regard.
The gist of the problems lies with CCP's corruptions and incompetence in controlling safety and reliability of food and drink produce in China. Mainlanders should divert their efforts to push their government to work hard on food safety and not ranting an oversea's law in preventing ruthless Mainlanders going over there to scramble for reliable food stuffs. You people are acting like locusts sneaking all over the place for food which is being brought about by your corrupted and lazy government.
Silly of CCP/media/Mainlanders to waste time criticizing HK's law which has rightly set to protect HK people, and not criticize CCP government for aiding and abetting poisonous food/milk/drinks/spices all over China.
Strange that Yahoo Answer disabled the "Choose Best Answer" function. Anyway Lim's answer is chosen as the BEST with remarks as follows,

Agree with Lim, thank you. Mainlanders/MBASeeker should learn to be considerate and respect others. Hong Kong is not the same as China. You said it rightly, "No country or SAR area is going to put the welfair of other countries' people before the needs of their own." Thanks to the other answers.

It reasonable that Main landers can complain, however, many countries around the world have regulations on what foreigners can and can't do with respect to helping citizens of their own country first.

For example foreigners in China about buying property past rules included
They had to to lived in China for more than one year, they could only buy by one piece of property in certain areas.

Unfortunately many of these people who complain that the Hong Kong rules are unfair and can't listening to logic and that their own country does. No country or SAR area is going to put the well fair of other countries people before the needs of their own. Often the protestors are usually the poor uneducated and unemployed, the growing economic benefit China has never spurred upon them and the boom has caused more misery to their lives, opportunities are abundant in China and the capable ones are working to make the most out of it. IN the end they should be complaining to the mainland government asking why its impossible to provide them with safe powdered milk.

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